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Siquijor – The Philippines

Recently, the Philippines has grown a reputation as one of the most beautiful countries in the world with the help of the social media platform Instagram.  Tá na Filipíní déanta suas de na céadta oileáin (hundreds of islands).

Thug mé cuairt (I visited) ar cúig oileán éagsúla. Cebu, Siquijor, Boracay, Palawan/El Nido agus Coron. Each island has numerous beautiful beaches, bright torquoise water, and green mountainous landscape.

My first visit in the Philippines was to the island of Cebu. Cebu is popular for the adventure seeker and for it’s many waterfalls (easanna). I traveled to the south of Cebu to a place called Maolboal ‘Ag Seilg Easanna’ (Hunting Waterfalls)

Credit: BLOC TG4


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